Crooked Anatomy
​​​​​​​We live in a world where ableism goes unnoticed perpetually. Individuals get excluded from everyday activities for conditions entirely out of their control. This is especially prevalent when it comes to sports like skateboarding. Crooked Anatomy is a skateboarding foundation concept that provides mentoring programs and 1-on-1 lessons for underprivileged youth, and individuals with physical and psychological disabilities who would otherwise be excluded from participating in such activities. 
Thumbnails and many refinements and iterations were created for this project to diversify the visual language of the brand. I had initially set out to do the motion graphics frame by frame however later realized a more efficient way to achieve the results I wanted in After Effects.
 A cohesive brand identity was created along with a marketing campaign consisting of motion graphics, promotional posters, and social media posts for Skateboarding Accessibility Day. A day where no one at the park is left out.

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